Contains all functions from Render namespace
-- Adds a rectangle to the current window's draw list.
-- Parameters:
-- start: a reference to an ImVec2 representing the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
-- end: a reference to an ImVec2 representing the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
-- color: a reference to an ImColor representing the color of the rectangle.
-- rounding: the rounding of the corners of the rectangle (default 0.0).
-- flags: flags controlling the drawing of the rectangle (default 0).
-- thickness: the thickness of the border of the rectangle (default 1.0).
Render.AddRect(start, end, color, rounding, flags, thickness)
-- Add a line to the current window's draw list.
-- Parameters:
-- start: a reference to an ImVec2 representing the starting point of the line.
-- end: a reference to an ImVec2 representing the ending point of the line.
-- color: a reference to an ImColor object representing the color of the line.
-- thickness: the thickness of the line.
Render.AddLine(start, end, color, thickness)
-- Add text to the current window's draw list at the specified position and color.
-- Parameters:
-- position: a reference to an ImVec2 representing the position in the window.
-- color: a reference to an ImColor specifying the color of the text.
-- text: a pointer to a null-terminated string representing the text to add.
Render.AddText(position, color, text)
-- Add a filled rectangle to the current window draw list.
-- Parameters:
-- start: The starting point of the rectangle in the 2D space.
-- end: The ending point of the rectangle in the 2D space.
-- color: The color of the rectangle.
-- rounding: The rounding size of the corners of the rectangle.
-- corners: A bit field describing which corners of the rectangle to round.
Render.AddRectFilled(start, end, color, rounding, corners)
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